We leave our mark – courageous entrepreneurs, clear strategies and convincing products
The first bold entrepreneurial step: The spin-off of the control engineering department from the former Elektro Thomas company leads to the founding of our company.
The company's history takes off: The company moves to new premises in Ernst-Sachs-Straße and grows rapidly to 25 employees.
The company founder, Mr. Karl-Heinz Thomas, sells the company. From 1988 to 1996, AGO-KSV is a subsidiary of Arn. Georg AG in Neuwied.
Introduction of a quality management system and successful certification in accordance with ISO 9001. Our high quality standards are therefore a visible part of our strategy.
Mr. Jochen Kortmann and Mr. Thomas Frink take over the company and develop it into what it is today: a medium-sized engineering company in the very best sense of the word.
30 years of KSV and a new milestone. In 2009, our company celebrates its 30th anniversary by moving into the newly built company building at the Im Sinderfeld site.
After many years of service, Mr. Jochen Kortmann retires from the company. Mr. Thomas Frink's sons join the company as the new generation.
The company introduces an occupational health and safety management system and successfully certifies it in accordance with ILO OSH 2001.
The company expands its portfolio to include plant construction. Two assembly teams are systematically set up and further qualified in the medium-voltage sector.
For a smarter future. The existing IT landscape is completely overhauled and a new ERP system with integrated financial accounting and a new DMS system is introduced.
Growth needs space. True to this motto, capacity is expanded at the Im Sinderfeld site and a new production hall with 1,000 m² and 100 m² of office space is occupied.
The company strengthens its occupational health and safety management system and successfully achieves ISO45001 certification.
But the KSV success story is not over yet!
Many exciting challenges still await our company and its more than 160 employees!
Synergizing Automation and Energy – we make it possible!